Republican Castelló Itinerary

The Second Republic (1931-1939) was the first period of democratic government in the history of the Spanish State. It was a modernising effort, with important social and economic transformations, accompanied by a significant cultural drive across many sectors; a period not without social conflict and volatility.
The itinerary includes an initial introductory panel and 10 points of interest indicated with numbered plates on the ground.


Maximum capacity:
35 people

Travel the itinerary
Choose the mode that best suits you and enjoy the visit
Self-guided Tour
Take a self-guided tour by following the stops and using a printed guide, which can also be downloaded.
The printed guide must be requested at Tourist Info Castelló.
Languages: Valencian, Spanish, English and French
Visit with audio guide
The audioguide and the digital map can be downloaded on a mobile device.
Access online to the audioguide and map of the route on:
Languages: Valencian, Spanish, English and French
Official guided visit*


Maximum capacity:
20 people

comfortable shoes

Tourist Info Castelló (plaza de la Hierba, s/n – Casa Abadía)

Location Initial itinerary panel
Ribalta Park-La Farola
12001 Castelló de la Plana
How to get there