+ Info Discover the Roman vila of Vinamargo Museum Sites Air-raid Shelter Ethnological Museum El Fadrí Sea Museum Castell Vell Information Centre Roman villa of Vinamargo Itineraries Castell Vell Itinerary Republican Castelló Itinerary Medieval Wall itinerary Chapels of Castelló Itinerary Immortal Women Itinerary Spaces of remembrance Activities Oral memory Resources Publications Annual reports Virtual tours Contact English Valenciano Castellano French Museum Sites Air-raid Shelter Ethnological Museum El Fadrí Sea Museum Castell Vell Information Centre Roman villa of Vinamargo Itineraries Castell Vell Itinerary Republican Castelló Itinerary Medieval Wall itinerary Chapels of Castelló Itinerary Immortal Women Itinerary Spaces of remembrance Activities Oral memory Resources Publications Annual reports Virtual tours Contact English Valenciano Castellano French val/cas/en/fr Museum Sites Air-raid Shelter Ethnological Museum El Fadrí Sea Museum Castell Vell Information Centre Roman villa of Vinamargo Itineraries Castell Vell Itinerary Republican Castelló Itinerary Medieval Wall itinerary Chapels of Castelló Itinerary Immortal Women Itinerary Spaces of remembrance Activities Oral memory Resources Publications Annual reports Virtual tours Contact English Valenciano Castellano French Venues The venues are the places where the living history of Castelló is lodged; where our historical heritage is preserved, exhibited and explained Air-raid Shelter Roman villa of Vinamargo Ethnologicalmuseum ElFadrí Sea Museum CastellVell Allthe venues Coneixes el castell de Castelló?Visita les ruïnes recorrent l’itinerari que forma part del Centre d’Interpretació Castell Vell. DESCOBREIX-HO Activities Abans es veia la mar Narracions orals per a públic adults a partir de 13 anys RefugiConte Contat. Nit de contes al Castell Vell Activitat a partir de 3 anys Castell VellVisita guiada al Castell Vell Jornadas de Arqueología de Europa Castell Vell Itineraries These are tours through the traces of the past that show us the history of the city. Memòria Spaces of remembrance Spanish Civil War and post-war period CastellVell A castle of Al-Andalus origin CastellóRepublican Simbols of a period Medieval Wall How it all began Chapels ofCastelló Popular devotion InmortalWomen Sant Josep Cemetery